Tuesday, February 16, 2010


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Mardi Gras in some places - Pancake Day in some places.

Paczi Day in a lot of places here in Chicago where I live. It's Polish, but I am not going to pretend that I know more about that than I do - I just know that somewhere on Lincoln Avenue is the place to go for Paczis.

I happened to go to the corner diner for pancakes today - you can see them on the left in what I like to call "food porn". Food porn are pictures of food that are meant to evoke a response. Television commercials for OLIVE GARDEN Restaurant are food porn.

(yes that is bacon in the background)

You can imagine the scene in the restaurant was much like this Dutch 16th Century Shrove Tuesday engraving.

Shrove Tuesday; engraving by the Dutch engraver H.Cock 1567

Lots of acquaintances sharing their "Mardi Gras" greetings - somehow expressing something about gluttony and/or sin. Thoughts on what you are "supposed to do" today. Well I find it interesting - because really, in the end, on the liturgical calendar, today is just a feria day.


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