Wednesday, March 17, 2010


A couple of you who follow this blog - know that I had to go to the store this morning to buy coffee filters just to make my first cup of coffee this morning.

Walking on my way back from the grocery store I spotted this every early spring perennial: SNOWDROPS. Called snowdrops often because they will push up out of the snow. They come and they go so quickly, they aren't as common as crocus, so it is a treat to see. It will still be several weeks before we are free of any frost danger in Chicago.

I hear the bluebonnets have started in Texas. The Silver Maples are in bloom here, they bloom very early, which most people don't notice, because a silver maple blossom isn't exactly showy.

It has been a challenging winter for most, we are on our second day of sun and people are talking about it.



  1. wow, you actually know the names of flowers!

  2. We have camillias and chinese rubrum in bloom out back. just planted hollyhock and verbena and zinnias. Got poppies in bloom out front.

    seeded a whole section in the yard with wild flowers. been obsessively checkin every day to see if they've started to germinate.

    beautiful picture of the snowdrops!
